Becky Olson

Concierge Companion & Assistant Aging Life Care Manager

Becky Olson brings a unique perspective to her role as an aging life care professional. While growing up, she helped care for her great aunt who was disabled from polio and later in life was the primary caregiver to her mother for 7 years. Her mom suffered from many medical issues and needed regular dialysis (an area of interest to Becky). She worked diligently to keep her mom living home with her but ultimately had to go through the process of placing her in long-term care. She understands first-hand the stress, frustration, and feeling like there is no one to help navigate through this journey. She wishes there had been an agency like Aging Advocates when caring for her mother, to help find resources and support in the community.

Becky has a fierce sense of humor and many hobbies including paddle boarding and swimming in Oneida Lake, long walks with her dog, and reading biographies.

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